Figure Painting Improvement Tips

Zenithal highlighting    Spray dark color from below for shadows and light color from above for highlights.

 Glaze layers of appropriate color for base coat.

A few good brushes    A good, well cared for ‘1’ or ‘0’ brush will last a long time and meet most             requirements.

Airbrush                      Include the airbrush in your paint work as much as practical.

Wet palette

Experiment                  Try new techniques and methods to expand your skills.


Time                            Set time expectations realistically.

Determine how much effort you want to put into the project at the start. What is your goal with this figure, model, unit, etc. ? Contest entry, general build, practice? Spend your time accordingly.

Project variation          Keeps you fresh and keeps your desire alive.

                                    Doesn’t let skills atrophy.

Paint what you love    Don’t let the effort become ‘work” instead of ‘fun’.

Organization               You’ll be able to work faster and with less frustration.

Happy, Never              There is no end to your modeling journey, only more learning Satisfied                      and experimentation.