The Fahrpanzer was a mobile artillery piece made prior to World War I in Germany. They were used during WW1. The Copper State models is a Fahrpanzer on the associated wagon. I thought it was a great choice for them to produce and it is different! It does not come with the horse team, but Copper State has them as separate resin items. The horses are excellent and beautifully cast. This item also has the chains and harnessing to attach the horses to the wagon. I added the necessary reins to the driver, a Copper State item, and cross reins between the horses. The reins need to be done like this image I found on the internet:

The reins are made from lead foil. I pinned the horses feet to give a better glue joint to the base. It was a bit difficult to get the horses walking straight up and down, and aligned to each other and the wagon with these pins. I did shorten the center beam in the wagon (drivers end) a bit to allow the chains to fit better. The displaced children are from MiniArt. DioDump urban debris were used on the base and attached with thinned acrylic matte medium. A light dusting of Tamiya buff toned the debris colors down just enough.