Turret Talk

Turret Talk Volume VI

Volume VI TURRET TALKVOLUME VIBY T.P. SCHWEIDER  SMUDGES It was always entertaining when I first moved up to 29 Palms to go to Model Competitions

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Turret Talk Volume I

Volume I By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired.The purpose of this column will be to give you some idea of operating a Tank based on

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Turret Talk Volume II

Volume II By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired. Strange Fruit In late 1944, The U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps, in their ongoing quest to improve the

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Turret Talk Volume III

Volume III By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired. The Rule of Fist It appears that a certain number of modelers who wish to make battle-scarred

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Turret Talk Volume IV

Volume IV By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired. Refueling A few Meetings ago, one of the Raffle Prizes was a Royal Models 1/35th scale WWII

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Turret Talk Volume V

Volume V TARPS & CABLES Two vital pieces of OVM Gear (Outer Vehicle maintenance equipment) armor model manufacturers are not too diligent about including in

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Turret Talk Volume VIII

Volume VIII TURRET TALKVOLUME VIIIBY T.P. SCHWEIDER THE FIFTY: No, Regular readers, this installment is not about a mythic band of Ancient Warriors, but about

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