Turret Talk Volume VI

Volume VI TURRET TALKVOLUME VIBY T.P. SCHWEIDER  SMUDGES It was always entertaining when I first moved up to 29 Palms to go to Model Competitions with Sgt. Major Mumma. He stood 6’2”, at 200 Lbs. And definitely had a command presence to go with his billet as Sgt. Major of 1st Tank Bn., USMC. He’d started […]

Turret Talk Volume II

Volume II By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired. Strange Fruit In late 1944, The U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps, in their ongoing quest to improve the combat rations (C-Rations or C-Rats) by adding a fruit component. This was a small can of pears, peaches, applesauce, fruit cocktail (most sought–after component) and-Apricots. Shortly after the improved C-Rats […]

Turret Talk Volume I

Volume I By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired.The purpose of this column will be to give you some idea of operating a Tank based on 14 years experience in every billet in a Tank Co. from loader to 1st Sgt., in locales at Camp Pendleton & 29 Palms, Ca; Ft Hood, TX, Ft Knox, KY; […]

Turret Talk Volume III

Volume III By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired. The Rule of Fist It appears that a certain number of modelers who wish to make battle-scarred AFV’s do so by damaging the road wheels; taking nicks and chucks out of the rubber portions of the said wheels. There are several after-market kits of damaged road wheels […]

Turret Talk Volume IV

Volume IV By T.P. Schweider, MSGT. USMC, retired. Refueling A few Meetings ago, one of the Raffle Prizes was a Royal Models 1/35th scale WWII Tanker, pouring fuel out of a 5-Gal. Can. Thinking about the figure after the meeting (did not win it) It occurred to me what it was that I’d found a […]

Turret Talk Volume V

Volume V TARPS & CABLES Two vital pieces of OVM Gear (Outer Vehicle maintenance equipment) armor model manufacturers are not too diligent about including in their kits are tarps and tow cables. A tarp (tarpaulin) is a rectangular piece of heavy, dark green canvas impregnated with a water-resistant chemical and its main function is to […]

Turret Talk Volume VII

Volume VII TURRET TALK VOLUME VII BY T.P. SCHWEIDER TANKER A tank, by itself, is just an inert mass of metal. It takes a crew to turn it into a lethal weapon system. So, who are they, the people who make up the crews, the tankers? I’ll attempt in this article to define them for […]

Turret Talk Volume VIII

Volume VIII TURRET TALKVOLUME VIIIBY T.P. SCHWEIDER THE FIFTY: No, Regular readers, this installment is not about a mythic band of Ancient Warriors, but about the greatest Heavy Machine Gun ever made, the Browning M2-HB .50 Cal Machine Gun. Designed by that genius John Moses Browning in 1921 to meet an Army specification of a […]