Scale Modeling Philosophy

  1. Enjoy your model building. You chose it as a hobby for fun.
  2. Build for your own satisfaction. Not for others.
  3. If you cheap out on a kit, there will always be compromises and consequences.
  4. If a flaw in your model bothers you, fix it. If you do not, you will focus on it every time.
  5. Be open to constructive criticism. It is the best route for self-improvement
  6. Clean your airbrush thoroughly.
  7. Try scratch building.
  8. Save money. Frequently, you can figure out a way to do something yourself without buying expensive products. Enamel, acrylic, and oil paints are very versatile.
  9. Tamiya kits are designed to be fool proof.
  10. You will cut yourself with scalpels and hobby knives.

Improving modeling skills

  1. Do not cut corners.
  2. Embrace critique.
  3. Practice, practice, practice.

Stash Management

  1. Sell anything easily replaceable.
  2. Retain rare/out-of-production kits.
  3. Invest in aftermarket products. Not more kits. Concentrate on ones you really want to build.
  4. Buy better tools rather than more models.
  5. Have a wish list.
  6. Have a ready to build mini stash.