Scale Modeling Philosophy
- Enjoy your model building. You chose it as a hobby for fun.
- Build for your own satisfaction. Not for others.
- If you cheap out on a kit, there will always be compromises and consequences.
- If a flaw in your model bothers you, fix it. If you do not, you will focus on it every time.
- Be open to constructive criticism. It is the best route for self-improvement
- Clean your airbrush thoroughly.
- Try scratch building.
- Save money. Frequently, you can figure out a way to do something yourself without buying expensive products. Enamel, acrylic, and oil paints are very versatile.
- Tamiya kits are designed to be fool proof.
- You will cut yourself with scalpels and hobby knives.
Improving modeling skills
- Do not cut corners.
- Embrace critique.
- Practice, practice, practice.
Stash Management
- Sell anything easily replaceable.
- Retain rare/out-of-production kits.
- Invest in aftermarket products. Not more kits. Concentrate on ones you really want to build.
- Buy better tools rather than more models.
- Have a wish list.
- Have a ready to build mini stash.